Mackie 1202VLZ 12 Channel Mixer


The 1202 VLZ Pro is a compact analog desktop mixer with an impressive variety of inputs and outputs to suit your needs.

On the main panel you get:
-4 XLR mic channels accompanied each by an optional 1/4 inch line in
-4 1/4 inch stereo line ins
-2 aux sends with 2 stereo aux returns
-Stereo RCA Tape input and output
-1/4 inch Stereo Main output
-Headphone output

Each channel has 2 knobs for controlling Aux effects sends, 3 EQ knobs, a Pan knob, mute and solo switches, and Gain knob. The EQ is 3-Band, with Hi, Mid, and Low control. Additionally, the 4 Mic channels have a knob for controlling the Trim level.

On the right side of the unit is your master controls, which include an Aux master, Aux select, EFX Select, Aux return level knobs, Control room source select switches, Submix gain control, Main Mix Gain control,and stereo graphic lights for monitoring your levels.

On the back of the unit you find:

-Power switch
-Phantom Power switch
– Main Stereo XLR outputs
-Mic output attenuation switch
-Stereo 1/4 inch Control Room output
-Stereo 1/4 inch Alternate Output
-4 Channel Insert 1/4 inch sends and returns.